Highland Licensing Board - 7 January 2025 - Tuesday 7 January 2025, 9:30am - Highland Council Webcasting

Highland Licensing Board - 7 January 2025
Tue, 7 Jan 2025 - 9:30 am 









Tue, 7 Jan 2025 - 9:30 am

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  1. Start of Meeting
  2. 1. Apologies for absence / Leisgeulan
  3. 2. Declarations of interest / Foillseachaidhean com-pàirt
  4. 3. Confirmation of minutes / Dearbhadh a’ gheàrr-chunntais
  5. 4. Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 Licences granted under delegated powers / Achd Ceadachd (Alba) 2005 Ceadachdan a bhuilicheadh fo ùghdarras air a thiomnadh
  6. 5. Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 Occasional licences and extended hours granted under delegated powers / Achd Ceadachd (Alba) 2005 Ceadachdan Corra-uair agus uairean sìnte a bhuilicheadh fo ùghdarras air a thiomnadh
  7. 6. Policy Statement 2025-2028 under the Gambling Act 2005 / Aithris Poileasaidh 2025-28 fo Achd na Ceàrrachd 2005
  8. 7. Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 Applications for new premises licences / Achd na Ceadachd (Alba) 2005 Larrtas airson cheadachdan thogalaichean ura
  9. 7.1 Premises: The Three Chimneys at Talisker, Talisker Distillery, Carbost, Isle of Skye, IV47 8SR
  10. 8. Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 Applications for variation (major) to premises licences / Achd Ceadachd (Alba) 2005 Iarrtasan airson Caochladh (Mòr) a thaobh ceadachdan thogalaichean
  11. 8.1 Premises: Ben Filling Station, North Road, Fort William, PH33 6TQ
  12. 8.2 Premises: Playback, 27-31 Academy Street, Inverness, IV1 1JN
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